(Amended January 2021)
I. The Name of the organization is Hanover Senior Softball League
II. The organization shall not operate for profit and no part of its earnings shall inure to the benefit of any Officer, Director or member of the organization or to any private individual.
III. The objective of the organization is:
“To provide an opportunity for “age-qualified” men and women to play competitive slow pitch softball in a reasonably safe and friendly environment in Hanover County.
a. Men shall be considered “age-qualified” if they are at least 50 years of age or if their 50th birthday occurs in the year they begin playing.
b. Women shall be considered “age-qualified” if they are at least 40 years of age or if their 40th birthday occurs in the year they begin playing.
IV. Dissolution Clause
In the event of the dissolution of the organization, either voluntary or involuntary, all assets and properties which remain after the discharge of the organization’s liabilities shall be used and distributed by the Board of Directors through donations to charitable organizations located within Hanover County VA.
V. Officers
The administrative responsibilities of the Organization shall be vested in its Board of Directors, herin referred to as the Board. The administrative and fiscal years of the Organization shall be from December 1 through November 30, and the transfer of Board responsibilities shall occur on December 1.
Section 1. – Officer Positions
Officers shall be President, immediate past president (if feasable), Vice President (at least one and more if desired by the board, Secretary, and Treasurer
Section 2. – Directors
There may be up to four Director positions on the Board.
Section 3. – Election of Officers
Officers and Directors may be elected at any league meeting.
Section 4. – Terms of Office
Officers and Directors shall serve two year terms, and may succeed themselves.
VI. Removal and Replacement of Officers and Directors
1. Any officer or director may resign his/her position at will. The president may request the resignation of any officer or director who is deemed by the board to be seriously negligent in his/her duties. A two thirds majority vote of the entire board is required to remove an officer or director against their will. An officer or director may be removed at a league meeting by a two thirds majority vote of the attending members.
2. An Officer/Director position which is not filled may be filled by a majority vote of the Board for the remainder of its term.
VII. Meetings
1. The organization shall have at least one annual league meeting to conduct business. All league members from the prior year shall receive notice of the annual meeting at least 10 days prior to the meeting. EXCEPTION: A prior year league member who has indicated that he/she does not intend to join the league for the current year does not have to be notified.
2. The board shall meet at least twice yearly outside of the annual league
3. Any member or group of members may call a special league meeting at any time. These member(s) are responsible for securing a meeting place and notifying all current members of such a meeting, its time and location and its specific, detailed agenda items at least 7 days prior to the meeting. The Organizations Treasurer will provide member rolls and contact information to such individuals as needed. The organization will not be responsible for any meeting arrangements nor have any financial liablility related to this meeting.
` This meeting must be open to all current members (as indicated by the Treasurer’s records), including those on the board, and may address only those items of business which were distributed on the aforementioned agenda.
If all of the above requirements are met, to be determined at the beginning of the meeting by the Organization’s President, and there are at least half the current members in attendance at this meeting, then it shall be deemed an “official league” meeting and the organization shall be bound by the decisions of the membership at this meeting. The organizers shall preside over the meeting and A majority vote of those in attendance is required to pass any motions.
VIII. Voting privileges
1. Each board member shall have one vote. No “proxy voting” will be allowed except that the President may cast a proxy vote for a member who is not in attendance provided that he be authorized and advised how to vote by direct contact with that member prior to the meeting and that he cast the vote(s) as the member has instructed. In the absence of the President, this right would fall to the VP – League Operations.
2. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of any of its meetings.
3. Those eligible voting members present at the annual league meeting shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of business. Each member present shall have one vote. No Proxy Voting will be allowed.
IX. Committees
The organization shall have the following committees:
1. Team selection committee
2. Nominations committee
3. Team selection committee
4. Rules committee
5. Banquet (formerly Refreshments & Entertainment) committee
6. Field setup committee
X. Contracts/Financial Transactions
1. The Board may authorize any officer(s), or agent(s) of the organization to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the organization, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
2. All funds of the organizations shall be deposited to the credit of the organization in such financial institutions as the Board may determine.
XI. These By-Laws may be amended or revised by a majority vote of the Board.